Greening Rewenzori for Climate Change

Our Objective

We want to plant 20 million trees to help the Rwenzori region recover from the devastating impacts of climate change caused by mining activities, deforestation and Hima Cement Factory.

Uganda Tree Planting

Background to the Project

Rwenzori sub region has Rwenzori Mountains that are natural water catchment areas.  It had favorable climate that supported healthy living and agriculture which made it a food hub until 1990. 90% of the population depends on climate through subsistence farming which is their main source livelihoods. Farming is majorly done by women supported by their children and men. Its terrain supports the growth of coffee as the main cash crop supplemented by cotton, tea, cocoa, vanilla and other food crops namely: beans, cassava, Irish potatoes, bananas, sweet potatoes, sorghum, soya beans, millet, maize, yams, and rice among others.

From the onset of climate change, farmers have slowly embraced tree planting and there is need for aggrandizing this practice to restore nature that is under grave threat. Since early 2013, the region has experienced expansive change in average weather patterns that have disrupted the food systems. This has made farmers more vulnerable due to unsustainable agriculture which is their main source of livelihoods. This change in weather patterns has not only affected the ecosystems but also agroecosystem and agroecology, hence jeopardizing the harmonious coexistence between mankind and environment.

Needless to say, the change in average weather patterns has subjected the region to torrential floods, landslides, soil erosion, draught and poverty which have deprived farmers and community members of their fundamental human rights. The rights to life, health and freedom to safety have been gravely threatened and expose people to greater risks of injuries, death, and mental health challenges.

The Rights to housing, just education, clean water and sanitation have also not been spared because community farmers have continually lost their homes, crops and property to disasters that displace them to rescue camps with miserable living conditions. High temperatures have led to water sources drying up and increase in uncontrolled pests, insects and diseases that have invaded crops, animals and people leading to very low production.

The farmers hardly get income to meet their children’s school requirements which have subjected them to avoidable school dropouts, child abuse, teenage pregnancies, domestic violence and early marriages among the people living in peri-urban, rural and hard to reach communities. The climate effects have gruesomely affected women, children and youths in the region. However, very little has been done to promote social inclusion in the region hence giving an opportunity for our social intervention. In this regard, there is a dire need for promoting vast tree planting in the region to mitigate the effects of climate change, promote healthy living in ecosystems, increase food systems and sustainability of the farmers.

 It is against this backdrop that this project aims to reduce vulnerability of the farmers, build resilience to the impact of climate change, promote agroecosystem, sustain nature and improve farmers’ livelihoods by leveraging tree planting in the Rwenzori region.


The Need for the Project

The harmonious coexistence between man and environment has been terminated by man’s activities namely: industrialization, mining, poor agricultural practices, and deforestation. These have led to change in weather patterns that have resulted into torrential floods, landslides, unpredicted seasons, soil erosion and high temperatures that have affected farming which is the main source of livelihoods of 90% of the population, posing a very big threat to the ecosystem in the Rwenzori region.

In July 2012, there was forest fire outbreak in the Rwenzori Mountains National Park due to increase in temperatures that cleared the vegetation cover and left the rocks bare. The snow coverage on Rwenzori Mountains has tremendously reduced, glaciers are no more at 4500m above sea level and vegetation cover has been gravely depleted, a very big threat to flora, fauna and mankind whose life and livelihoods depend on.

Since May 2013 to date, Rwenzori region has experienced devastating torrential floods, landslides and draught that have affected people’s livelihoods and health. These have led to increased poverty, low production, hunger and social exclusion. There is dire need for restoring nature, promoting harmonious coexistence between man, environment, and agroecosystem through vast tree planting.

Subsistence farmers in rural areas are too vulnerable to acquire small loans from micro financial institutions because they do not have stable flow of income. The woodlots that will be planted by farmers shall enable them have mortgage in case they want small financial assistance inform of loans from these institutions as they protect the environment.

In bid for conserving the environment, there is need for empowering communities upstream with alternative source of income other than tilling land that deprives it of grass that catches water, curb landslides and soil erosion on the Rwenzori mountain ridges. The continuity of this project shall give way to the aforementioned interventions through partnerships.

In light of the above, the purpose of this project is to increase absorption of accumulated fossil gasses in the atmosphere, environmental protection and conservation to control nature, mitigate environmental hazards, protect fragile ecosystems, enhance financial sustainability, promote harmonious coexistence in ecosystems, increase food systems to end hunger and create ornamental environment in the Rwenzori region that shall give conducive working environment for effective production and healthy living.

Pictures of Devastating floods and their impact on Bulembia Division- Kasese Municipality- Kasese District in the recent years

Pictures showing the Impact of May 2021 Devastating Floods on Bulembia Division-Kasese District

Pictures showing the impact of May 2021 Devastating Floods on Kyanjuki, Masule and Kyambogho Villages in Kasese District

Pictures Showing the Impact of May 2021 Torrential Floods on Kilembe Mines Offices and Bulembia Primary School in Kasese District

 Pictures Showing seedlings at Our Nursery Bed in Kisinga

The Picture Showing the Impact of May 2021 River Nyamwamba Floods on Famers in Masule, Mulyambuli and Kyambogho Villages

The Picture Showing Bamboo Trees in Mulyambuli- Rwenzori National Park that we want to Plant Along River Basins in Rwenzori

The Picture showing the view of Nyamwamba River Basin and Rwenzori Mounts National Park Boundary in Mulyambuli